Ever been in a store and noticed a milk carton that just caught your eye? Sometimes, it’s not only the milk inside but the whole packaging design that makes you go, “Wow!” A good milk packaging design does more than look pretty – it tells you about the product, gives info like nutrients and expiration…
Creative Face Wash Packaging Design Inspiration
Face Wash Label design Cleaning the face regularly is an essential step in maintaining glowing skin. Each day, our skin gets prone to different bacteria, pollutants, and other dusty particles. So, washing your face using a good face wash helps remove these impurities from your skin and gives a shining look. The best face wash…
11+ Creative Skin Care Packaging Design Inspiration
Skin Care Packaging Design Skincare products are a staple in every woman’s bathroom cabinet, especially face care products, whether you are going for primary care or core beauty products. Still, every person uses beauty products daily. Skin Care Product Packaging Design There are dozens of beauty brands, and packaging can be the best way to…
15+ Beard Oil Packaging Design Inspiration
Beard Oil Packaging Design It is a male-oriented product that scientifically formulated to go deep into the facial hair follicles’ roots and stimulate new hair growth. The packaging design such be a reflection of masculine personality with bold, intense colours. Beard Oil Label Design Inspiration There are various benefits which a packaging design should talk…
Beauty and Personal Care Packaging Design
When we visit any supermarket, we make sure there is always one or the other new product on a shelve in the bath and oral care department. Each brand is venturing with its unique value propositions. Few provide 24 hrs germ-free, fairness, 100% natural, freshness, with different flavours and fragrances. Today, upcoming hygiene brands in…